🎉 EdOpt Just Got a Facelift!

Check it out at EdOpt.org.

All the same information is there, with some change in formatting, but the BIG change is how you search for education providers. We now have a map. With filters!

The providers are no longer organized into counties, which were really hard to navigate. It’ll now be easier to find all the providers near you.

Check it out. As always, let us know if there are any problems or things that need to be fixed or updated.

Look for more updates as we continue to add features to help you navigate the education options that suit your family.

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EdOpt is a 501(c)(3) non-profit education organization. Our mission is to provide information, support, and connections to families who want to explore education options. We accept tax-deductible donations to help us with our mission.

Talk to us about education options for your family.