Reminder: First Expo Org Training this Weds 1/22

Quick reminder to register for a training if you have volunteered to organize an expo, or if you have any interest in doing so.

Please register even if you already told me you will be attending. It’ll take a minute to do.

  1. Wednesday January 22 from 5:30-6:30pm. Register here. You can also join the meeting when it starts.
  2. Friday January 31 from 5:30-6:30pm. Register here.

We will walk through the entire process, from soup to nuts. We will talk about how to find and secure a venue, how to find and invite a range of education providers, marketing to increase the number of attendees, and much more. EdOpt provides support throughout.

Registration helps us know who’s coming. Please put the training in your calendar.

Be part of the change. Thank you for your interest!

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and X, and share this post with your friends.

EdOpt is a 501(c)(3) non-profit education organization. Our mission is to provide information, support, and connections to families who want to explore education options. We accept tax-deductible donations to help us with our mission.

Talk to us about education options for your family.

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